Friday, October 6, 2017

History is not what you thought it was, is it?

History is nor what you or I thought it was?  What do you rhink?

2017 has been a busy year for me,  and it continues…I have presented  talks and seminars and workshops, published and launched a book, written and submitted several articles and, as well, I continue my volunteer role at the Kempsey Museum, and support the local community with their writing. In addition, in my role at the Kempsey Museum, I conduct research, write and submit grant supplications and more recently co-curated an exhibition with Julia Morrell at the Slim Dusty Museum. 
More info Noeline Kyle’s books and writing
 On my book Womens Business Midwives on the Mid North Coast of NSW
On my book  Nurses and Midwives in Australian History
On Women’s History
On my book Constance Kent and the Road Murder
There is a review of my book A Greater Guilt on Marion Diamond’s blog, oh well, there it is, the one book I wrote that is well outside my expertise is given a rather insipid  review…still at my age one cannot be  that fussed, I have written a lot of words, a lot of books and I have delivered many talks and workshops…I shall soldier on still doing it as people continue to ask me to do so, perhaps I am doing something right.;dn=288964248687897;res=IELAPA;subject=Law%20(General)

Let  me know if you find reviews or comments on my books or my talks as I am happy to know about  anything you find, whether negative or positive, on the internet.  I am compiling a list and hoping to draw something from the wisdom or not of others….

The quote is from 1066, and in full reads:

History is not what you thought it was. It is what you can remember!!  

Here is a pic from a recent exhibition, it is of a dressmaker Nelly Partridge who made many gowns for the women  of the Macleay Valley.  The Photograph is from her wedding during WW1 in England:

Nelly's story will be added soon.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

RAHS Day Lecture – Women’s Business: Midwives on the Mid North Coast of NSW to 1950

November 1 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Dr Noeline Kyle will discuss her research into 200 midwives and more that 80 private hospital on the Mid North Coast of NSW. This research began in 1979 when she was writing a biography of her great grandmother Mary Kirkpatrick and culminated in her latest publication Women’s Business: Midwives on the Mid North Coast of NSW to 1950. Noeline will discuss the training, career details, and family life of midwives who worked in country towns and outline the complex and extraordinary lives of these women who were the major health providers of women and babies in country regions of Australia.
Dr Noeline Kyle is a professional historian and retired academic and has published women’s history, Australian history, biography/memoir and family history.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Writing history and where to find information

Writing history or biography or memoir is more than just putting words on the page.  It is a critical method, - you are reconstructing the past. You are seeking to  find how humans interacted with their world, and what that means for us today.

What it means for the individual, for communities, for countries.  Historians evaluate evidence, they use theory and they write stories. It is a mix of analysis, description and narrative.  The trick is how to put all three of these together into a strong historical story.

And then there is the author.  Every book an author writes, whether fiction or non-fiction, is connected. There is a thread or perhaps many threads running from one book to another. And those threads all begin and end with you, the author.

All of my books are connected in some way; through women's history, the family, the history of childhood, and within all of these how I approach the writing of history, a long standing interest in social justice and a preference for social history and writing about the lives of 'ordinary' people in history.

There is lots of advice out there, on the internet, on the shelves of libraries and in bookshops, on how to write well.  Not so much however on how to write history which remains a specialised area.  You will find books in university libraries on this topic and also there are articles and notes on the internet that can help.

Go to my webpage and you will find free advice and also my books covering how to write about women, about childhood, about family history and much more all on sale until November 30..